About us
The company focuses on software development. Furthermore admaDIC offers solutions and consulting for digital media and desktop publishing.
Rainer Schwarze, Dipl.-Inf. is owner and
director of admaDIC and responsible for the business field Software
After studying computing sciences at the Technische Hochschule Leipzig,
Germany he was employed at Fiedler Optoelektronik GmbH - a company developing
high tech equipment for materials testing - as a software developer. In 2000 he
became managing director of this company and was responsible for the fields
Software Development, Project Management, and Sales in Europe, America and
2005 he founded the company admaDIC together with Annett Schwarze.
Rainer Schwarze was born in 1971 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg,
Germany. He took part in the Olympiade of Young Mathematicians in the GDR
("country level") and made his Abitur at the Spezialklassen für Mathematik
und Physik in Halle/Saale, Germany.
Rainer is member of the
Evangelical Church in Germany
Mensa in Deutschland e.V.
Annett Schwarze, Ass. jur. is owner and
director of admaDIC and responsible for the business fields
App Project Management, Digital Media and iOS Software Development.
Annett Schwarze attended the night school and studied law at
the Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, Germany.
Since 2001 she was employed at Fiedler Optoelektronik GmbH and
responsible for legal advice to the management and the fields PR, Digital Media
and Cost Accounting.
2005 she founded the company admaDIC together with Rainer Schwarze.
Annett Schwarze was born in 1970 in Jena, Germany.
Annett is member of the
Evangelical Church in Germany.